Working method

The technique itself

RMF makes sure – in Lehman’s terms – water does not form (large) crystals. It does so with a combination of magnetism, radio waves and a cold air flow. The latter is ‘as usual’. But it can be done with liquid nitrogen aswel.

The effect on fresh produce is dramatic. Water doesn’t expand, leaving the cell’s membranes intact. This means a complete stop to drip loss. But also a stop to oxydisation and discoloration. The enzymatic decline over time is put to a halt or reduced dramatically, meaning the produce will remain ‘near fresh’ for the entire period it is kept in cold storage. Whether that period is a month or a year, your products stay fresh.

Finally RMF can save upto 20% on your energy bill compared to IQF, mainly because no energy is lost on the expansion of water. In a nutshell: you can keep your produce fresh (or near fresh if you prefer the term) over a long period of time without any quality loss. Also RMF gives the opportunity to keep special products that can not be kept with current techniques. Single cell organisms (for instance yeast) survive being frozen with RMF, but you would also be able to produce some fantastic ice creams.

Undoubtedly you can think of more opportunities for the use of RMF than we can on your own products, because no-one knows more about the products these you do. Feel free to ask and test with our facilities in Helmond.

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